The Gift of Receiving
Do not be afraid, O little flock; for your Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom. Luke 12:32, Holy Bible, From the Ancient Eastern Text, George M. Lamsa’s Translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta
Sometimes it is easy for me to label myself as generous. I’ve even been described as such. I love acknowledging generosity within myself and when I witness it in expression. I’ve exclaimed, with great enthusiasm, “He/She is one of the most generous people I know!”
The other day while shopping in a grocery store, the server who was ringing up my order shared with me that one of my items was ringing up at a lower price and that she wasn’t going to adjust it because the item was tagged incorrectly. I thanked her and without prompting, she shared how earlier that day a customer had paid for an entire grocery purchase for another individual who was just shy of enough funds to pay for their order. She noticed that the person receiving the “gift” was trying to refuse the offer, wanting to just “put a few things back.” The recipient was ultimately grateful and accepted the gift from the other shopper.
As we finished checking out, I was reminded that sometimes I carry this same resistance to receiving. I mean if I allow it, even the simplest compliment bestowed upon me can be met with an underlying fear and feeling that I don’t deserve it. Can you relate? There have been many times when someone has given me something – a gift, a compliment, even money – and while I am grateful, I sometimes find myself all over the place rather than simply being present with the gift and receiving it.
Having a consistent spiritual practice of prayer and meditation reminds me that I am deserving of all gifts. All gifts are from God and I am deserving of them.
It is great to be a giver and it is great to be a receiver!
Affirmation: I am deserving of all God’s gifts which show up in many forms. With an open heart, I welcome them in.